Top 5 Most Profitable Crops in India 

Sushil Godara 

Do you know which are the Top 5 Most Profitable Crops in India? Here we will tell you about the Most Profitable Crops in India.

1. Rice

Cultivating rice is very beneficial, you can earn more profits by cultivating rice.

2. Jute

India is the biggest producer and exporter of Jute. Therefore jute cultivation is considered the most profitable crop.

3. Saffron 

Saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world, you can cultivate it at special places. You can earn high profit by cultivating saffron.

4. Medicinal Herbs

Saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world, you can cultivate it at special places. You can earn high profit by cultivating saffron.

5. Organic Vegetables

Demand for organic vegetables has increased across the world, farmers across India are moving towards organic farming, it is a year-round business. You will get more profit in this.

Top 10 Most Profitable Farming in India 2024