By Manish Choudhary
Found in South and Central America. Venom can paralyze and stop breathing.
Big and brown, found in eastern Australia. Their bite can cause muscle cramps and vomiting.
Found in the central and southern United States. Has a violin-shaped marking. Their bite can kill tissue.
Similar to the brown recluse, found in Chile and Argentina. Venom can cause tissue damage.
Found worldwide, with an hourglass mark. Bite causes pain, cramps, and nausea.
Found in Australia, similar to the black widow. Venom can cause serious health problems.
Found in the southern United States. Venom isn't as strong but can cause issues.
Found globally, with a yellow sac-shaped egg sac. Bites hurt but aren't usually deadly.
Found worldwide, hunts for prey. Bites are painful but not usually deadly.