By Manish Choudhary
These aggressive spiders found in South and Central America pack a venom that can paralyze or even kill you.
Big and fierce, they're in eastern Australia. Their bite can mess up your nervous system, heart, and lungs.
Lives in the southern and central U.S. They're shy but their bite can cause a nasty wound that destroys your skin.
You can find them everywhere except Antarctica. Females are black with a red hourglass shape on their bellies. Their bite can give you pain, cramps, and nausea.
Similar to black widows but found in Australia and New Zealand. Their venom is not as strong but still not something you want.
Tiny and yellow, you can find them all over the world. Their bite might make you feel sick and crampy.
These hairy spiders are found all over and their bites hurt but won't kill you.
Like black widows but with a brown hourglass on their belly. They're in the southern U.S. and Mexico. Their bite is similar to black widows but not as strong.
Found in different parts of the world, including Australia, South America, Africa, and Asia. Some are venomous and can cause paralysis or death.