Top 5 Largest Maize Producing States in India

Sushil Godara

February 16, 2024

Do you know which is the largest maize producing state of India? So let us know about the Top 5 Largest Maize Producing States in India.

largest producer?

Karnataka is the largest maize producing state in India, with favorable agro-climatic conditions conducive to maize cultivation.

1. Karnataka

Andhra Pradesh ranks second in maize production in India, various varieties of maize are cultivated in the state.

2. Andhra Pradesh

Rajasthan is known for its maize cultivation, and the state has made substantial contributions to the overall maize production in India.

3. Rajasthan

Madhya Pradesh is one of the top maize producing states, it ranks fourth in maize production. And the state's diverse agro-climatic zones support maize cultivation.

4. Madhya Pradesh

Maharashtra is also a major maize-producing state, with farmers cultivating maize across different regions of the state.

5. Maharashtra

Maize provides versatile use for human and animal consumption, industrial products, and crop rotation, offering dietary nutrition and supporting various industries.

Benefits of maize